Monday 27 October 2008

To Be

I kindof like it when weather interrupts my plans. There is nothing you can do but wait. No need to fight, get upset or panic. Just wait, patiently, till the storm has passed and the waves have calmed from 12 to 4 metres so the boat can return to its normal schedule.
Spent the weekend at Lofoten Artsquarter, where I organized the seminar “TO BE OR NOT TO BE” – Ethical and aesthetical perspectives on nature as resource. "People view and define nature as a resource. What does this really mean? Has profit replaced sustainable management and have we lost our respect and humility for the beauty of nature? How is it possible to approach nature with new eyes and review our present attitude of seeing nature merely as resource? This seminar will look at ethical and aesthetical perspectives on this subject in Norway and Tanzania, through the eyes of two artists and one social anthropologist."
On our return we stopped at Eggum on the north side of the Lofoten Islands. The waves were bashing in and the sheep were seeking shelter behind the boathouses, gently chewing away at the last bits of salty grass. In Norwegian it is the same word for weather as for to be. Weather or not weather (Å vær eller ikke vær) - that is the question.

Friday 17 October 2008

Life is an inbreath

Went for a walk today in the beautiful late autumn morning. Being present in the moments passing, seeing the stream of water coming out of the rock and smelling the composting going on everywhere right now.
Life is an inbreath and death an outbreath.

Tuesday 7 October 2008

My grannies lily

My granny loved flowers, inside the house as well as outside, and she had an amazing garden and a considerable collection of plants covering all the windowsills. She died 30 years ago, but some of her carefully nurtured plants live on. When we moved into this house a close friend of my granny, Astrid, gave me a plant for the garden that she once had been given by my granny. She called it "Bamboo". That doesn´t grow in these neck of the woods but it looked like bamboo. Plants are for sharing! In our house I have a lily that my mum inherited from my granny and that she has nurtured for the past 30 years after my grannies death. It has the most incredible deep red flowers. Everytime it flowers I can feel my grannies presence. I am sure she is welcoming me back, ´cause it has some beautiful ones blooming now!

Monday 6 October 2008

Eat something wild every day

Lingonberries and mountaintrout from a lake on an uninhabited island we go to across the sound opposite our house.

Last spring I went on a fantastic fermenting and herbal course by Frank Cook and Sandor Ellix Katz (what a truly amazing name!) at Schumacher College in Devon. They were a great team of wild knowledge and fired my insatiable hunger for knowing more about self sufficiency and establishing a closer relationship to the plants around me. I want to know the stories and the families and the uses, both medicinal and as foodstuff and herbs. Frank Cook has a great motto that I try and live: Eat something wild every day. I believe it is the best way to get closer to the wild and leave the stronghold of our separation-culture behind. Lingonberries and trout are my arctic wild treats. In London it would be dandelions.

Friday 3 October 2008

Animal Architecture

The other day I took the children from my Art School out in the bay below our house to make houses and homesteads inspired by animal architecture. We talked about where animals, birds and insects choose to have their homes and what materials they use to create their houses. The children were so inspired and made amazing structures exploring the beach for good places and useful materials. They experienced that structures made of clay needs mixing with straw to remain solid and they invented flexible strings out of seaweed and worked out how to make houses out of stone, wood and straw. The younger children made whole environments with fires glowing of orange rowan-berries and ponds surrounded by shading juniper-bushes.


Last week I was in Oslo doing an interdisciplinary project with PLAN at the University. We made a workshop for children between 4 and 12 about visioning the future. All the stories about the devastating effects of climate change can be paralyzing, and we wanted to go beyond the fright and reach out to catch the children´s hopes and wishes. We created an environment to inspire new perspectives, with a great selection of books looking at the earth from a micro and macro view, a corner of cushions to think and read and a table of two microscopes and things to look at like leaves and bark and moss. The kids loved it, and one boy said " It is a landscape on Mars!" while gazing at a piece of birch bark. We also had a selection of "fly eye specs" to inspire future vision (Insect eye inspires future vision children wrote their wishes on multi-coloured strips of cloth and tied it onto an ashtree that finally was planted in a park in Oslo by the mayor and a group of children. The ash was chosen because of its roots in Nordic Mythology where the world is an ashtree named Yggdrasil. From its roots flow three sacred springs, including the Well of Mimir - the waters of wisdom. It is said that Yggdrasil connects all of the worlds of the universe, including the worlds of Men and the worlds of the Gods. A giant eagle roosts at its top and a dragon-serpent gnaws at its roots, while a squirrel called Ratatosk runs up and down the trunk, chattering messages. Lets hope some squirrels can bring the wishes on our tree out in the world and the wind release the messages for the future! This is a norwegian link to the project.